
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Seductive Summer Dinner for commuting and stressed out husband. 15 July 2011:

Starter: Fried corgette flowers stuffed with ricotta cheese, mint and chili served on a bed of chives

Fish Course: Scallops with peas, broad beans and pancetta

Main Course: Poussins served with a lemon sauce, lavender and recurrant stuffing balls, baby carrots, green beans and roasted new potatoes

Dessert: Summer Pudding trifle

Petit Fours: lavender shortbread sandwiches filled with lavender and raspberry jam, and dipped in dark chocolate

We've been on holiday in Cornwall for the past week. It was magical; a truly enchanting place. I love getting seafood when we're down there. I was lucky enough to get to go out to dinner twice while we were there. The first night I had crab-stuffed ravioli and seabass with mussels. The second night I had a fish feast: scallops with bacon, Thai crab chili cake, sardines, seafood chowder, and for my main course a lobster, which I haven't had in years. I came home with fresh crab from Porthleven, clotted cream, and saffron cake. There is a fish shop in Porthleven called Quayside fish, which is nothing short of inspirational. I demanded a visit the place before we left, and I took all five of my girls into the shop to educate them on the concept of a truly worthwhile food merchant. Nearly all the fish are caught locally, and there they were, uncut and on display, for all to see: monkfish, squid, john dory, lemon sole, and so many more which I cannot remember.

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